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Writer's pictureMaurena McKee

How Energy Works and the Quantum World

Updated: Feb 4, 2021

Summary of The Subtle Body ||

Part I: Energy and Energy Healers

(1.) Energy is Universal


Cyndi Dale begins the encyclopedia with describing "energy anatomy," beneath the surface of the world, where one might discover a universe of subtle energies that swirl. They form you. Dale introduces basic principles of energy and of a system that is constructed by subtle energy fields, often referred to as energy channels or energy bodies. After briefly discussing separate anatomical structures, Dale looks into healing work and unique factors when involved in subtle energy healing; Dale refers to an subtle energy healer as someone who senses, sees, hears, and works with less substantive and subtle energies. This part takes special consideration to training, ethics, and boundaries as a healer, while guiding us through a portal right into up to the world of energy.


What is Subtle Energy?

Dale suggests that subtle energy was perceived in a way that has been dismissed in many ways leading up to the contempory. "Subtle energy is simply energy that cannot be accurately measured using current scienetific methods. It is not supernatureal, paranorma, or scary—it is just energy. It obeys some—but not all—of the same laws as does physical matter, its counterpart" (2009, p. 4). Subtle energies are suggested to operate on a different plane than physical energies, or otherwise known as a continuum. Physical matter ultimately manifests in a positive spacetime for (electrical in nature), having positive mass and traveling at the speed of light. Subtle energy occupies the next or other spacetime frame(s) and travels faster than the speed of light. The reason it is challenging to comprehend and explain subtle energy is that science has yet to fully understand energy, whether in a quantum or classical sense.

Energy that Works

Dale explores the many forms of energy that are involved and used in our everyday lives. The list below is said be recognized by science everywhere. These descriptions are grounded in this list, in the most clear form in this encycolopedia, as a means to refer back to during references throughout later sections.

Mechanical energy: Called working energy, in that movement occurs through a force action on a mass, such as expanding gas firing a cannon ball. Sound is form of mechanical energy.

Chemical energy: Uses energy stored in molecular bonds, the forces holding molecules together. An example is photosynthesis.

Thermal energy: The part of a system that increases with temperature. In thermodynamics, thermal energy is internal to a system and can also be called heat. Heat is defined as flow of energy from on object to another caused by a difference in temperature between these two objects

Dale then explores the four fundemental forces in the universe:

(1.) electromagnetics - interaction acts on charged particles

(2.) strong nuclear force (which holds together atomic nucleui) - interaction

acts on the subatomic quarks and gluons, binding them together to form

protons, neutrons, and more

(3.) weak nuclear force (causes types of radioactive decay) - interaction

acts on subatomic quarks and leptons to transmute quarks, thus enabling

a neutron to become a proton plus an electron

(4.) gravity - an attraction between two objects

There is also clear definition of photons and light that is describe in this section. Dale identifies light as "oscillating disturbances, or an electromagnetic wave, in the electromagnetic field" (2009, p. 16). It is important to note that different types of light oscillate depending on different speeds. With this in mind, Dale describes photons has basic units of light, while also being fundamental particles that are responsible for the variance of electromagnetism or the electromagnetic spectrum. In further words, the photon carries all of the radiation from electromagnetism for every wavelength.

Most elementary particles have mass, but the photon has no mass or weight, nor an electrical charge; the photon will not decay in space, and it travels at the speed of light in a vacuum. Just as all quanta, the photons both a particle and wave. Lastly, the photon is created specifically when a charge is accelerated as a molecule, atom, or nucleus is shifting to a lower energy level, or when a particle as well as its antiparticle are annihilated.

The Quantum World

The smallest unit that can measure something physical is quantum. Further, subatomic particles make up an atom. Dale describes the elements of quantum: "quantum mechanics as the study and application pf these small particles and quantum theory seeks to understand how the work; quanta belong in the world of quantum physics, which is a discipline connected with, but also distinguished form, classical Newtonian-based physics" (2009, p. 18). The field of quantum mechanics was born upon the discovery that matter has wave properties just as light.

The strange actions that were discovered in quanta suggests that funamental natural laws of our classical physics are not really laws of certainty, only explaining probabilities. "Quantum physics seeks to explain why qunata do not stay in time and why they are not always located in just one place. A single electron or proton, for instance, can be here and somewhere else at the same time, and can even more two different ways simultaneously" (2009, p. 19). Dale explores the field of quantum physics by describing the termonology as listed below. These terms are mentioned throughtout the encyclopedia, but are introduced as the following:

Quanta: Consist of twenty-four subatomic particles, as known by science, including election, photon, and a half-dozen quarks

Quarks - Have an electrical charge equivalent to

one-third to two-thirds of that found in electron

Leptons - These are fundamental particles that are either

neutrally charged or one-hand unit or negative charge. They

are involved in weak interaction, comprising and affecting

many other particles with quarks

Tachyon - The name given to subatomic particles that are

believed to move faster than the speed of light.

Force particles - Give rise to forces

Wave-Particle Duality: Many subatomic particles operate like both waves and particles. They have on their "particle hats" when they being created or annihilated. They where their "wave hats" in between.

Antiparticles: Antiparticles are specific units of antimatter. Paul Dirac an English physicist, introduces the concept in 1928, seeking to merge relativity and quantum mechanics. He theorized that every particle has its own companion particle that has the same mass and spin, but with an oppisite charge. When an election meets with its mate, the positron, they both disappear, leaving hind a pair of photons. Antimatter is also considered a source of energy.

Antiworlds: These are parallel realities that form when a path is not chosen. The main worlds theory" and the "parallel universe theory" arose from this question where are all the antiparticles? A created question is: where are all the choices "not observed" or not manifested in concrete reality? We know that antiparticles exist, for in 1932, Carl Anderson at the California Institute of Technology discovered a track of positions—electrons' antiparticles—in a cloud chamber exposed to cosmic rays.

Spin: Spin is the rotation of a particle around its axis. All particles spin, and can even spin around two different axes at the same time. But according to a theory called the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, you cannot be sure about the exact value of spin around those two axes. The spins around a vertical and horizontal axis are complementary—but if you know how one spins, you cannon know how the other does. Like wise, if you are certain about the spin of a particle, you will not able able to ascertain certain about another one of its physical qualities, like speed. Measurement disturbs what is being measured.

Entanglement: Through entanglement, two ore more objects can interrelate and affect each other even when they are separated, perhaps by thousands of miles (or dimensions). This phenomenon is called quantum entanglement, and it relates to objects or particles that have once been connected.

The Three Laws of Thermodynamics

Classical physics has been based on the three laws of thermodynamics. These laws tell us how energy works, as well as what we can and cannot do with it. They can be applied to qunatum occurances just as the laws are practical for Western medical practitioners. Dale describes the three laws as the following:

First Law: Energy likes to be conserved; therefore, it cannon be created or

destroyed, merely transformed.

Second Law: Entropy (a measure of information) tends to increase. This means that

the longer a system exists, the more disorders or unavailable information it


Third Law: As temperature approaches absolue zero, the entropy or chaos

becomes more constant.

Dale explores how these three laws govern the macrocosmos; however, they are not consistent in the microuniverse of qunata. For instance, according to the second law energy (or information that vibrates) slowly and gradually reduces in avaliablity, to reach absolute zero. Yet, science has yet to be able to understand and achieve absolute zero, as at this point energy is supposed to stand still. On the other hand, in accord with the first law, energy cannot be destroyed; thus, the unavailable information must go somewhere. Mass and atoms can only store a limited amount of information, meaning this information is hiding somewhere. "It is possible, however, that it is stored in anti- or parallel worlds, perhaps in the subtle energy domains" (Dale, 2009, p. 18), which Dale explores through Dr. Tiller's research earlier in section III. Dale also mentions research by MIT physicist Seth Lloyd, who supports the idea of these other worldly portals.

Quantum mechanics has shown us that an electrion can be in two places at once, or rather an electron is required to be in two places at once. "At really high speeds, atos require more information to describe their movements, and therefore they have more entropy. However, an observered affects the outcome of whaterver he or she is obeserving" (2009, p. 18). Dale explains this based on the book The Orb Project by Klaus Heinemann and Miceal Ledwith (2007). The observer of the quantum field ultimately influences the way reality is reorganized in accordance to the observation. "This means that a newly observed reality descends through the frequency levels below the quantum reality. The nonobserved information becomes 'lost' if it doesn't qualify as 'real' or desirable to the observer" (2009, p 19). In other words, the information is eliminated, as the non-selected potential slips into what is considered a pocket of "elsewhere."

It is conceived that information can be retrieved, as "we can access lost data by 'flipping a qubit,' a code phrased that means we can apply a magentic field to force energy to shift from one state to another" (ibid., p. 19). This means the subtle layer is otherwise atop the phyiscal, further, the etheric later of subtle energies is actually magnetic in nature. Dales asks: "Could it be that the information we cannont find—perhaps, the datat that could make a person well—is linger a plane above us?" (ibid.). This leads Dale to then discuss the third law of thermodynamics. The experiments that involve studying absolute zero haved pointed to how particles have minimum energy, and this is called zero-point energy. Dale introduces researcher Dr. Hal Puthoff who identified zero-poubt energy with zero-point field, which is "a mesh of light that encompasses all of reality" (ibid.) that is a vacuum state that is not empty.

This field of light is a sea of electromentic energy, which Dale explains is possibly of virtual particles—that carry ideas that can actually become really. Therefore, researchers have conceived that energy should stand still at absolute zero, meaning "information would become permanently imprionsoned" (ibid.). Yet, "[r]esearch on zero-point energy...reveals that nearing zero-point, atomic motion stops, but energy continues" (ibid.). In other words, what is considered "lost" information is actually not lost. The informtion continues to "vibrate" within the background even when frozen. Dale follows this explaination with a set of questions: "How do we 'read' this background inforation? How do we apply it? These queries are similar to those we might ask about 'hidden' information. How do we access suppressed but desirable data?" (ibid.). Ultimately, anwsers to these questions rely on learning about subtle structure, to consider the infrace between concrete and higher planes. Dale suggests that if a healer where to operate within subtle structures, one could shift a negative reality into a positive reality, without losing any energy in the process.


In the end, it is important to not how the fundamentals of energy and the energy world encompass both quanutm and classic explanations. Thus, add these two views of science together, which explains the subtle energy realm that is connected by a layer of reality.



Dale, Cydni. (2009). "Human Energy Fields." The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, Part III, chapter 27. Publisher: Sounds True.

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