Summary of The Subtle Body ||

Part III: Energy Fields
(27.) Human Energy Fields
There are multiple energy fields that Cyndi Dale introduces in Part III of her book. The morphogenetic fields, etheric fields, special fields, and the auric fields are described, along with the medical operations with physically measurable magnetic and electromagnetic fields. Dale offers information gained by scientists about the material function and subatomic structure of the auric field, while also acknowledging background knowledge from our ancestors on illness and healing. This part of the encyclopedia ends with studies on intergenerational disorders that are passed through the auric field.

Layers of the Auric Field
After working in the field of energy healing for over four decades, Barbara Ann Brennan proposes seven basic layers that make-up the aural field. The layers graduate from the body, which are linked to the seven basic chakras. There are also three basic planes, which are composed by different subtle bodies that are attuned with the chakras. The layers beyond the seven basic layers are beyond the ketheric. Brennan calls this the cosmic plane, which is composed of a crystalline template.
Figure 3.20 LAYERS OF THE AURIC FIELD The layers of the auric field, as described by Barbara Ann Brennan and according
to the twelve-chakra system
What is the auric field?

Cyndi Dale (2009) identifies the aura as investigated and substantiated by scientists who evaluate the aura as a field that surrounds the entire body. "This field consists of multiple bands of energy called auric layers or aura fields, that encompass the body, connecting us to the outside world" (2009, p. 147).
With the knowledge possessed by our ancestors, for over hundreds of years, the language of energy has developed the idea of an auric field. The Vedic teachings and scriptures of the Rosicrucians, Tibetan and Indian Buddhists have largely described the field. Quabalists referred to the field as an astral light. Christian artists depicted figures, particularly of Jesus, surrounded by coronas of light. Native American tribes explored the field in detail. Pythagoras discussed and perceived the field as the luminous body. Each ancestral culture referring to the auric field by a different name, as bands of energy that are recognized to be surrounding the body.
The auric field is composed of information and conveys information regarding events taking place within the body. This means its purpose is linked vitally to our internal health. "We cannot fully understand the function of the aura without knowing what it is made of—and we're still working on that" (Dale 2009, p. 151). Studies of the auric field are spread throughout discourse on the aura, which Dale suggests science has been actively exploring and penetrating "the mystery of the aura" since the early 1800s.
Belgian mystic and physician Jan Baptist van Helmont visualized the aura as a "universal fluid" that permits everything. This visualization has suspended throughout history, with the "idea of the aura acting like a fluid—or flowing—as well as being permeable" (Dale 2009, p. 147).
Franz Mesmer coins the term "mesmerism," to suggest that (animate and inanimate) objects are shared with a fluid, perceived as magnetic, through material bodies which can exert influence over each other, especially even at a distance.
Baron Wilhelm von Reichenbach determined unique properties that create an odic force. Similar to the electromagnetic field, the odic field is composed of opposites or polarities. Reichenbach found a significant difference between the two fields, however, as in electromagnetism opposites attract while in the odic field like attracts like.
In 1911, Dr. Walter Kilner examined electromagnetic and magnetic properties, discovering three layers of the aura. For the "aura," he stated that it shifted depending on a subject's state of mind and/or health.
Also in the early 1900s, Dr. Wilhelm Reich studied a universal energy, naming it "orgone," furthering knowledge of the human field and energy body. He observed energy pulsing in the sky, and noticed area of congestion can be cleared to release negative emotional and mental patterns.
The auric field has since been measured at academic institutes across the world, such as the Shanghai Atomic Nuclear Institute of Academia Sinica and the Bioinformation Institute of the Medical Science Academy in Moscow. With a focus on the human field and energy body, these institutes studied the aura pulse and biocurrent. At the Shanghai Atomic Nuclear Institute, scientists measured the flow of chi with a biological detector, which revealed how everyone has different field pulses depending on rate and intensity of frequency. Soviet scientists with the Bioinformation Institute discovered a field in which organisms emanate vibrations at a frequency ranged between 300 and 2,000 nanometers. This field is called a "biofield," which is now known to allow living beings to transfer energy more successfully, when the field is strong and widespread.
"The idea of the aura acting like a fluid—or flowing—as well as being permeable" (Dale 2009, p. 147).
Brennan, Barbara. (1988). Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, illustrated by Jon A. Smith. Publisher: Bantam.
Dale, Cydni. (2009). "Human Energy Fields." The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, Part III, chapter 27. Publisher: Sounds True.
In The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, Cyndi Dale (2009)
published an illustration (figure 3.20) in Part III, chapter 27 "Human Energy Fields."