Sustainable Community Economies
- practice of connecting what a community has to what it needs
- embracing the principles of sustainability and small-scale democracy in community planning and development
- sustainable community economic development nurtures resiliency and self-reliance
community members working with one another improve their economic well-being, increase control over their economic lives, and build community power and decision-making
Grassroots Research
(Community-Based Participatory Research)
- collaborative approach to research in which community members participate fully in all aspects of the research process (framing the research questions, data collection and processing, interpretation, dissemination, and determination of use of the results)
- iterative process, incorporating research, reflection, and action in a cyclical process
sharing decision-making power, resources, credit, results, and knowledge, as well as a reciprocal appreciation of everyone’s gifts
Sustainable Resource Use
- practice of cultivating relationships for greater resourcefulness
- letting go of our consumer mentality and waking up to our responsibility in caring for our community’s resources
healthier communities working together with and through the diversity and quality of their resources and the ability of local enterprises to build relationships with each other and create synergy out of their diversity
Community Learning
- the process by which communities transition from business-as-usual to more just and sustainable ways of living and doing
- premised on the idea that the outcomes of any social change process are highly uncertain and thus require collective experimentation — learning-by-doing and doing-by-learning
not to achieve fixed goals, but to gradually work towards common ambitions through innovation, integration, and transition
our ministry is
- set in motion to respond to the Earth
- following and participating in eco-pedagogy
- de-centering the systems of colonial capitalism
- building a mindset for this process (sustainable resource use) and being active toward waste management
- aspiring for a society where sustainable practices and respect for all ecosystems is the main premise
Get to Know This Company
This company is rooted with blood, sweat, and tears from grounding passion and developing skills in communication, information, and media. Upon eco-ministry, the company mission is offering dedication toward Śākta Bhakti.
What is meant to be the contribution of this company?
Produce critical and deconstructive analyses for application in the fields of chaplaincy, forestry, environmental design, heritage conservation, tradition preservation -- upon a multidisciplinary approach of considering anthropology, theology and ornithology ~
LSC is geared by Ch. Maurena Leigh McKee.
Though coming from a background in behavior analysis and counseling, my career focus is now solely in eco-ministry work -- while mastering intersubjective boundaries through ongoing anthropological reflexivity and biofeedback.
Alongside contributing to global discourse and research on professionalism within chaplaincy, I am focused on quality audio-video making and standard ethnographic fieldwork. The goal is collaborative local productions such as devotional music and motion picture, for unified self-expression.
I also enjoy embodying a variety of trades and skills, such as gardening, painting, baking, writing, and the list goes on, while also witnessing and documenting the experience of growth and transformation as a soul becoming woman.
In this website, you may also find foci on three paths of yoga: the portfolio equating to Karma Yoga (path of action) for filmmaking, the artifact equating to Bhakti Yoga (path of devotion) for education, and the archive equating to Jñāna Yoga (path of knowledge) for scholarship -- forming one pathway, as a chaplain.
Paul Podvin Endowment
(Youth-Foused Spirituality)
Common MA Need Based Tuition Grant
(Women's Studies in Religion)
Berkeley Undergraduate Scholarship
Blue and Gold Opportunity Plan
(Federal Pell Grant)
Student Success Completion Grant
California College Promise Grant
Cal Grant B
(For transfer students who plan to attend a four-year college in California.)
Education and Training
paid online 40-hr training
Women in Entertainment Scholarship
Diversity in Entertainment Scholarship
private gift for tuition
out-of-pocket for tuition
Federal, Indiana, and Ball State Grants
Greenwood Community High School, ACP
Academic Background
Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) NPI 1154998532
• Completed 40-hour training on applied behavior analysis for children and youth
• Learned sensory-integration assessments, evaluations and analytic interventions
• Inspired for how to hold space for one's inner child, while personally interpreting ABA to not be as serving as mindfulness practices
• Creative Writing and Screenwriting
• Directing and Film Production
• Craft of Editing and Post-Production
• Audio for Film
MiraCosta College
Psychology (Mind-Body Health)
Ivy Tech Community College
Business Law
2012 - 2013
Ball State University
College of Communication, Information, and Media
Indiana University
Biology and Psychology
European Abroad Program
• Medical Ethics, Cognitive Enhancement, Positive Psychology
The InnBetween (Student Chaplaincy)
• Studied meditative practices in a semester-long program for Maastricht University students
• Participated in liturgies, prayer circles, ‘meditation’ sessions, and student group activities
• Gained awareness about interfaith denominations, differing from the U.S. American mainstream
Highest Honors
• Activities and societies: Library Assistant, Interior Design; Film Studies and Cultural Anthropology
Dean's List
• Activities and societies: Something Else Sketch Comedy Club; Something Else Sketch Comedy Radio
Advanced Placement, Credit & Exemptions
• Completed advanced credits, enrolled in upper-level classes sooner by adding toward major and minor, administered by high school
2011 - 2012
Maastricht University
Psychology & Neuroscience
ACES (Comprehensive Educational Services, Inc.)
Behavioral Intervention
2021 { in progress }
San Francisco Film School
Professional Digital Filmmaking
2015 - 2017
Santa Rosa Junior College
AA, AA-T, Anthropology
2021 - 2025
Graduate Theological Union
MA, Sacred Texts and Interpretation
Center for Dharma Studies - (Hindu) Yoga Studies
• GTU Common MA Capstone Culmination { this }
Department of Religion and Practice
• Interreligious Chaplaincy Program { in progress }
2017 - 2020
UC Berkeley
BA, Anthropology and Education
Honors Thesis Program
• Studied ground-level ethnography and oral history about “free speech” and the structure-agency debate
• Researched soundscapes and vocal expression with homeless in People’s Park as a place-based history
• Acquired knowledge about contradictions in democracy and efforts toward user-land development
• Supervised by anthropology faculty members, directed on critical thinking and analytical writing skills
Practicum in Education
• Studied empowering education and ecopsychology with children at a day-long summer camp
• Researched social emotional skills from an organization dedicated to “neurodiverse” learning styles
• Acquired knowledge about special education services and advanced learning objectives in practice
• Supervised by a clinical psychologist, directed on innovative curriculum and problem-solving skills
I was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, into a family embracing yoga and ecology. I grew up in a small farm and cooperative in beautiful rural Wisconsin, called River Haven. I then moved to southern central Indiana and was raised by my single mother during my early formative years, when I realized anthropology needs to be included in high school pedagogy, while wishing to be an anthropologist as early as age seventeen.
Early Formative Years
~ participation and skills-building ~
- Yearbook -
skills in networking and graphic designing
- Broadcast Production -
skills in character and team building
- Broadcast Post-Production -
skills in audio-video editing and leading
Greenwood Community High School
~ known for ~
~ solo editing the school's daily announcements, and occasionally announcing over the loud speaker (mispronounced words and once dubbed the speaker) ~
~ starting the Free Thinker's Club ~
~ actively participating in a radio station contest to win and elect Justin Bieber as principal for-the-day (squad secret: sent 10 messages at a time, directly to the radio station, on repeat, and in the back of our classrooms to make use of time) ~
~ basketball years, and softball coach's assistant senior year ~
~ growing plants in the back of the biology lab for senior project, having dirt on pants up until dressing up for presentation on the success of organic soil, presented to a public committee and marked down by a local conventional farmer for outfit ~
Inspiring Dedication. Living Expertise. Shared Graciousness.
Thank you —
Paul Podvin Endowment
Thank you so much to everyone for your kind words and messages about winning this award with community, interlocutors, friends, family. I am beyond blessed and humbled.